Ключ: «user access» - ТОП: «Базы данных» на сайте DLP.BY

Список сайтов оптимизированных под запрос: «user access»

  1. ts.butb.by - ts.butb.by/scripts/Access/Accessuser.dll |
  2. chemictest.rosnspas.by - v1.x.x Documentation | Access rights for the user included in a specific group. Select an access level for the pages of the “Take a Test” inlay. Possible alternatives 
  3. www.hep.by - User Access - letting people in | User access is done via ssh's authentication scheme. As stated above, this is how users get access to the system, while maintaining a high level of security. 
  4. www.openaccess.by - Профиль пользователя | open access | Open Access Week at the University of Nairobi. Open Monograph Press webinar - book publishing and creating a press website. 
  5. mail.medvestnik.by - CommuniGate Pro Server: File Storage | The Access Control Lists are used to control the Foreign File Access feature that allows Account users to access File Storage in other Accounts. 
  6. www.diallog.by - diallog: ACCESS DATA | Adapter ACCESS DATA. User's manual. Technical features. WAN network. 
  7. demon.pmi.basnet.by - DEMON.pmi.basnet.by | Установка и настройка прозрачного squid3 с пулами... | request_header_access From deny all #request_header_access Referer deny all request_header_access Server deny all request_header_access User -Agent deny all request_header_access... 
  8. www.zte.by - WWW.ZTE.BY - Форум технической поддержки оборудования ZTE. Создан ООО... |
  9. sport-pitanie.com - sport-pitanie.com/kreatin/ | Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'sportpit'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/sportpit/public_html/classes/db/mysql.db.php on line 25. 
  10. bel-cs.ru - MySQL Fatal Error | The Error returned was: Access denied for user 'afafaf'@'localhost' (using password: YES). SQL query 
  11. huntingclub.by - Users | In the administrator it allows you to create, block and manage users and create user groups and access levels. 
  12. services.ids.by - Catalina Functional Specifications - Administrative Apps - Administered... | Such access logs are useful input to hit count and user access tracking analysis programs. An Access Logger can be attached to an Engine, a Host, a Context, or a Default Context. 
  13. mymobile.radio1.by - Без названия. | Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'radioby1_mymob'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/radioby1/mymobile.by/blocks/connect_bd.php on line 3. 
  14. www.averson.by - Статьи | 1С и терминальный сервер (под Windows 2003) | Закладка Permissions : Добавляем созданные группы пользователей 1С и ставим им права: Guest Access + User Access
  15. www.headtechnology.by - headtechnology Bel :: ...Software Partnership Controls and Records Access... | SCB is an activity monitoring appliance that controls access to remote servers, virtual desktops and networking devices, and records the activities of the users accessing those systems. 
  16. els.belpost.by - UserDatabase (Catalina Internal API Documentation) | Abstract representation of a database of Users and Groups that can be maintained by an application, along with definitions of corresponding Roles, and referenced by a Realm for authentication and access... 
  17. pixel.by - Пользовательское соглашение | Internet – shop management may restrict User 's access to the Internet – shop, shall the latter breach terms of the present Agreement. 
  18. lsi.bas-net.by - Portability Considerations (Informative) | Control access to user files and other resources. D.1.18 Printing. Output files on a variety of output device classes, accessing devices on local or network-connected systems. 
  19. leased-line-213-184-245-47.telecom.by - Apache module mod_auth_anon.c | This module allows "anonymous" user access to authenticated areas. This module does access control in a manner similar to anonymous-ftp sites; i.e. have a 'magic' user id 'anonymous' and the email... 
  20. www.2simshop.by - Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control | And so every time a document is accessed which is secured with basic or digest authentication, Apache has to open up those text password files and look through them one line at a time, until it finds the user... 

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